Thursday, May 3, 2007

Dick Cheney is Gay

Dick Cheney is Gay - Grandfather Gay Marriage Lesbian Daughter

WHAT A BETTER society this would be if Vice President Dick Cheney were our national grandfather instead of our global grump. Last week, after attacks on Iran, Congress, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Cheney told ABC Radio he was "looking forward" to the arrival of a new grandson, being born to his lesbian daughter, Mary.

"I obviously think it's important for us as a society to be tolerant and respectful of whatever arrangements people enter into," Cheney said. He reaffirmed that "each state ought to have the capacity to decide how they want to handle those issues."

Any time Cheney is touchy-feely, there is hope for the country. In the 2000 debates he said, "We live in a free society and freedom means freedom for everybody. . . people should be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to enter into."

Cheney is indeed a poster dad for the nation's struggle to respect same-sex couples. Like many parents, he accepts and loves his child, regardless of sexual orientation. Yet, like many an American, he agonizes how openly to support people like his child.

He says what he says as his Republican Party bitterly fights gay marriage and wins state bans across the nation. He says what he says as he pledges loyal acquiescence to President Bush's drive for a national ban. He says what he says as he struggles with whom to attack for politicizing his daughter.

Cheney's comments come after a far more testy exchange this winter on CNN. Mary's pregnancy was attacked by right-wing family-values activists normally supportive of Bush and Cheney. Concerned Women for America called it "disappointing." Focus on the Family said, "Love can't replace a mother and a father."

Wolf Blitzer asked Cheney about such statements. Cheney said, "I'm delighted I'm about to have a sixth grandchild, Wolf. . . And I think, frankly, you're out of line with that question."

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